What is the Difference Between Medical Debt Collection Agency and Healthcare Debt Collection?

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What can a person do if they find themselves in a medical debt? Many people are looking for answers online trying to find answers to their questions about medical debt collection agencies and how they can take care of it. This article is meant to be a short run down of some things that you need to know if you find yourself in a situation where you owe medical bills. Hopefully after reading this article you will not have many questions left.

Approach: Hire a medical debt collection agency first to do it work for you. Medical collection agencies have been around in the United States for years because of your inability to pay your medical bills. They are in business to make a living and they have no reason to help you unless you pay your bills on time. 

Many agencies will negotiate with the patient for a payment plan that will allow them to at least cover the payments until the patient has a chance to pay the balance. The key to negotiating a good settlement is being persistent because this is usually how these agencies get the unpaid medical bills.

Collection Agency: Once the debt agency has negotiated a settlement with the health insurance company or the hospital, they will contact the patient for payment. The purpose of the calls is two fold, the first being to inform the patients that they have a debt that needs to be paid and that the agency is going to attempt to make a payment plan. 

The second call is used for the debt agency's main purpose, to see if the patients are going to pay the bill. If the patients answer yes then the collectors will escalate the situation by calling more frequently and the conversation will become more harassing. Remember, all collection agencies work off of a commission to any harassment tactics will backfire on them.

The goal of the medical debt collection agency is to get as much money as possible from the patient so there is not only the payment owed but also the interest. Most medical debt collection agencies get up to 25% of the outstanding balance. Although many doctors and hospitals do their part to pay non-paying accounts up front, it is still important to contact healthcare collections to try to get maximum results.

Recovery Methods: When debt is not paid, healthcare collections will pursue several recovery methods. First, the agency may contact the patient directly to remind them of their responsibility. Second, the agency may use letters and telephone calls to remind the patient of their accountability and the repercussions of not paying. 

Third, collection agencies may sue in order to recover the outstanding balances. In some states, doctors and hospitals may be liable for recovery even if they try to contact the patient for payment, such as in a lawsuit against a family practitioner for negligence.

Collection Agencies vs. Debt Collectors: Often people are more receptive to collections than to debt collectors. Debt collections are often intrusive and annoying, whereas healthcare agencies are more subtle. However, if you owe a balance on your accounts, it is important to contact your doctor or hospital's collections department immediately. 

If you have any questions, you can call the agency and ask them about the process. You should do this even if you think that you do not owe the account. If you probably want to get more enlightened on this topic, then click on this related post: https://www.encyclopedia.com/entrepreneurs/encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-maps/debt-collection